About This Blog

This blog is as much for me as it is for my family, friends and anyone else who happens across it.  There is no agenda nor a long-term vision, at least not at this moment; simply put, I want to share my experiences with others as well as have a place where I can write about and express my opinions on the things in life which interest me.  The topics I choose to write about will come about organically and will most likely be based on one of the following areas which have dominated my life over the last 6-7 years:

  • Health, fitness and diet.
  • My experiences travelling and working around the world.
  • Hiking mountains and volcanoes.
  • Language learning.
  • Yummie food recipes.
  • Atheist theory and its practical application to everyday life.
  • Profiles of interesting people I have met.

I imagine that over time I will discover my “voice” and provide more focused content with my posts, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as I enjoy researching and writing them.   Feedback and suggestions on how I might improve this blog and/or my writing are strongly encouraged, and I welcome you all to leave comments on my posts so we might continue the conversation and better ourselves through discussion, debate, curiosity and respect.   If you would like to provide content to this blog please contact me via the “Contact” section and I will happily arrange it.

What do I hope to get from this blog?

  1. To better share my experiences and feelings with family and friends.
  2. To maintain a published record of my world gallivanting and mental hop-scotching.
  3. To have my ideas challenged, discussed and debated so as to explore my areas of interest in more depth.
  4. To improve my writing, picture taking and storytelling.
  5. To further my language skills with posts in Spanish and maybe other languages, too.
  6. To learn more about blogging and web-design.
  7. To meet like-minded (or better yet opposite-minded) people.

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